We've looked at dozens of top performers in the engineering field, and gathered these top 5 tips for becoming a successful engineer.
mechanical engineering
If you’re somewhat new to CFD, you might be asking yourself why there are so many turbulence models. The answer lies at the heart of what CFD software does. It solves the Navier-Stokes Equation as well as the energy and mass conservation. When solving these equations, Prandtl realized that no direct mathematical solution existed for turbulent flow. This has been coined as the turbulence closure problem because the equations can’t be closed for turbulent flow.
In last week's blog, we discussed the science behind bolted connections. Specifically their response when subjected to a combined external load and preload. In this blog we'll work through the application of bolted joint science in a finite element analysis. We will: Provide an introduction to FEA modeling of pre-loaded bolted joints, discuss some common troubleshooting techniques, establish methods to validate results of the FEA model and highlight differences between bolted joint science and real-world application.
You can see them just about everywhere you look. From massive structural steel joints that make up the Golden Gate Bridge to the intricate inner workings of an antique swiss watch, bolted connections dominate our world. Let's take a closer look at the actual science behind the bolted connection.
Process systems are getting more and more complex, and operators are demanding increased reliability. The increased complexity and reliability needs have to be balanced by budget constraints. In this blog, we go over some of the benefits of using skid systems for your applications.
Engineering doesn’t just take place at your desk anymore. Whether it’s in meetings, in the field, or on the road, you have work to do. That’s why we’ve listed the top 5 apps for that engineers should have.
Sometimes the hardest part of a project is answering the question “What is it?” and the immediate follow-up “What is the governing code?” The governing code and its requirements can have a big impact on project cost and project success.
When engineers think of fasteners, they usually think along traditional lines: screws, nuts, bolts, cotter pins and washers, rivets, etc. But if these same engineers are tasked with reducing costs, they look outside of their comfort zone for a fastener that will do the job and meet their reduction targets.
Pound on a bone with enough force and it’ll break. Just where, though, depends on whether or not bone behaves like other structural materials. Researchers have long guessed it did—but they didn’t really know. Bone is famously strong stuff, surpassing reinforced concrete when it comes to withstanding compression forces.
Modeling how products, buildings, and structures hold up under everyday use involves solving intractable partial differential equations that calculate stresses under myriad loads. Using FEA is sometimes the only solution, but as always, the tool is only as good as the craftsman.