Most structures and their loads are symmetric. In these cases it's possible to take advantage of symmetry to simplify your Finite Element Analysis and reduce run time. In this blog we'll: Discuss benefits of using symmetry in FEA, provide a primer in symmetry theory, and Work through a FEA case study using symmetry.
You can see them just about everywhere you look. From massive structural steel joints that make up the Golden Gate Bridge to the intricate inner workings of an antique swiss watch, bolted connections dominate our world. Let's take a closer look at the actual science behind the bolted connection.
Sometimes the hardest part of a project is answering the question “What is it?” and the immediate follow-up “What is the governing code?” The governing code and its requirements can have a big impact on project cost and project success.
Putting in the simplest form, analysis is just the simplification of real world to an engineer, with a measure of how much assumption is put in the analysis process. Lesser the assumptions; more accurate and close is the result to real world situation. However, stress analysis, in actual practices and from technical perspective isn’t just as easy as it is to write.