TI 2515 193 HCVS and SAWM Inspection It’s been seven years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster. Since then, US Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) have installed Hardened Containment Vent Systems (HCVS) and implemented Severe Accident Water Management (SAWM) strategies. The NRC will soon inspect licensee implementation using recently developed […]
Failures Happen, Learn from Them If you’ve made it here, something probably went wrong. And you don’t want it to happen again. Failure is sometimes inevitable. All we can do is learn from it and fix the issues so it doesn’t happen again. But how do you know what to […]
The Return on Investment of using an engineering consulting firm is in the form of a better final product. In our case, we focus on reducing project cost and project schedule. A small investment up-front results in potentially millions of dollars of savings on project cost, and reduced project schedule.
Design is where science meets art. Many people think of engineering design as math and science, but really, the design is where the solution takes shape. Math and science are merely used to back up the design. The problem is that too many people blow right through the design to work on math and science part.
Our CFD and FEA Consultants Experience At XCEED, our FEA consultants have over 20 years of experience using solving some of the toughest problems in the world. We started using FEA in the nuclear industry, pioneering it’s use as a cost savings tool. On one project alone, we saved $8.8M […]