Putting in the simplest form, analysis is just the simplification of real world to an engineer, with a measure of how much assumption is put in the analysis process. Lesser the assumptions; more accurate and close is the result to real world situation. However, stress analysis, in actual practices and from technical perspective isn’t just as easy as it is to write.
Daily Archives: April 26, 2017
Using structural shell elements in finite element analyses saves computational time when analyzing thin-walled parts and structures. But engineers and analysts require experience to best utilize the output. Unlike solid elements, where stresses are typically straightforward to understand, the analyst must be even more careful and be mindful of several questions when interpreting shell element stresses.
Spare parts management is a complicated, laborious - but critically important - aspect of nuclear plant operation. Ensuring that the right part is available at the right time and the right place requires detailed inventory management, diligent quality control, exacting acceptance testing, etc. 3D Printing to the Rescue!
When engineers think of fasteners, they usually think along traditional lines: screws, nuts, bolts, cotter pins and washers, rivets, etc. But if these same engineers are tasked with reducing costs, they look outside of their comfort zone for a fastener that will do the job and meet their reduction targets.